" Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me", is what parents tell their children to tell bullies on the playground. But in reality words can hurt you more than stick and stones . Someone can physically hurt and although it may hurt , the pain eventually goes away. Words are much more powerful . If someone uses hurtful words , the pain can last a lifetime .
Words for many people shape their destiny and view of themselves.
Words can start and end relationships. Words can build or destroy someone .Words are so powerful that when they are released from your mouth they become apart of the atmosphere and begin to unfold.
My mother always reminds me to be careful what I say , because it can come to pass.In the bible it talks about bridling the tongue. That with words you can speak life and death. Proverbs 18:21 says" Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof".
Words are much more than letters scrambled together to make a sound . They can make the difference and bridge the gap in many things that many hope for .With the New Year in tow I'm changing the words that come out of my mouth . I'm changing the way that I think , because thoughts become actions and words.
Words and Faith go hand in hand. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. It is a strong belief in things that you desire . Words help to ignite faith and keep it alive . Saying negative words can take away things you have faith for.Speak and think positively. Negative thoughts render negative results. Believe that what you say you want..you can really have . Don't talk yourself out of your destiny. Once you deposit words , you can never take them back. So in conversation say things that will enrich your life, and think before you say them . Even when life throws lemons at you , speak life and positive things into your life .
“Quarrels end, but words once spoken never die”-African Proverb
Words for many people shape their destiny and view of themselves.
Words can start and end relationships. Words can build or destroy someone .Words are so powerful that when they are released from your mouth they become apart of the atmosphere and begin to unfold.
My mother always reminds me to be careful what I say , because it can come to pass.In the bible it talks about bridling the tongue. That with words you can speak life and death. Proverbs 18:21 says" Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof".
Words are much more than letters scrambled together to make a sound . They can make the difference and bridge the gap in many things that many hope for .With the New Year in tow I'm changing the words that come out of my mouth . I'm changing the way that I think , because thoughts become actions and words.
Words and Faith go hand in hand. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. It is a strong belief in things that you desire . Words help to ignite faith and keep it alive . Saying negative words can take away things you have faith for.Speak and think positively. Negative thoughts render negative results. Believe that what you say you want..you can really have . Don't talk yourself out of your destiny. Once you deposit words , you can never take them back. So in conversation say things that will enrich your life, and think before you say them . Even when life throws lemons at you , speak life and positive things into your life .
“Quarrels end, but words once spoken never die”-African Proverb
Good job Lil Mo'. Big sis is proud!
Well..you left good footprints for me to follow in...=0)
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