Every little girl has someone they look up to. A person they want to be like when they get older. A person they emulate in the mirror. A person that every time you see them , they serve as a reminder of what you aspire to be . My whole life I have admired one person. This person in my eyes is gorgeous , smart, strong, funny and overall dynamic. This person is my older sister Melissa.
I have always known I was blessed to have the girl people wanted to be , or admired to call my sister. There are no words to truly explain how much she means to me. I have never met a person like her. She is the most selfless, courageous and faithful person I have ever met. As a child we had the typical big sister , little sister relationship. I always followed her around(I actually still do that now), did everything she did, eavesdropped on her conversations, wanted to hang out with her and her friends, got her in trouble, cried for her when someone hurt her feelings and twisted her ankle.
In all my years of living I have never met a person who has believed in me , more than I believe in myself sometimes. I can always count on Melissa to have my back , even when I don't deserve it. I have lots of friends who have older sisters and they don't have a relationship like ours. I can tell my sister anything and know it will stay just between us. We have our own inside jokes. If I need a good laugh , she is a phone call away. When I'm too scared to drive home long distance, she will take off work to come and get me. If I fall , she encourages me and helps me to get back up.
My sister is a special person. She is creative, artistic, funny, eclectic, spiritual, domestic, loyal, trustworthy, honest, real, blunt, helpful,and inspiring. She has taught me what it means to give with a cheerful heart. She is a true example of a phenomenal woman. Who ever is privileged enough to marry my sister, will be a lucky man. She is beautiful inside and out.
As my sister reads this I want her to know that all the advice she gives me , I listen . All the times you were there for me when I needed you most , I will never forget it . When my life was spiraling out of control, you were there to keep me grounded . When I was ready to stop fighting , you stepped in and fought for me. When I wanted to be just like you , you encouraged me to be an individual. When all the people I thought were my friends let me down, you were there to help lift me up . I will continue to strive for greatness , to make you and the rest of the family proud. I will always have your back. When I make it big , you will too. Many will never know a sister like you or a relationship like we have. You are the greatest example for Melanie and I. When the three of us get together, we can not be stopped . The Mitchell girls, a.k.a. " Sharon Chirrun" are a powerful group of women, with strong successful destinies.
I tell you all the time , but I am going to tell you once again , Thank You. Thank you for loving me, and being the BEST big sister I have ever known.
I have always known I was blessed to have the girl people wanted to be , or admired to call my sister. There are no words to truly explain how much she means to me. I have never met a person like her. She is the most selfless, courageous and faithful person I have ever met. As a child we had the typical big sister , little sister relationship. I always followed her around(I actually still do that now), did everything she did, eavesdropped on her conversations, wanted to hang out with her and her friends, got her in trouble, cried for her when someone hurt her feelings and twisted her ankle.
In all my years of living I have never met a person who has believed in me , more than I believe in myself sometimes. I can always count on Melissa to have my back , even when I don't deserve it. I have lots of friends who have older sisters and they don't have a relationship like ours. I can tell my sister anything and know it will stay just between us. We have our own inside jokes. If I need a good laugh , she is a phone call away. When I'm too scared to drive home long distance, she will take off work to come and get me. If I fall , she encourages me and helps me to get back up.
My sister is a special person. She is creative, artistic, funny, eclectic, spiritual, domestic, loyal, trustworthy, honest, real, blunt, helpful,and inspiring. She has taught me what it means to give with a cheerful heart. She is a true example of a phenomenal woman. Who ever is privileged enough to marry my sister, will be a lucky man. She is beautiful inside and out.
As my sister reads this I want her to know that all the advice she gives me , I listen . All the times you were there for me when I needed you most , I will never forget it . When my life was spiraling out of control, you were there to keep me grounded . When I was ready to stop fighting , you stepped in and fought for me. When I wanted to be just like you , you encouraged me to be an individual. When all the people I thought were my friends let me down, you were there to help lift me up . I will continue to strive for greatness , to make you and the rest of the family proud. I will always have your back. When I make it big , you will too. Many will never know a sister like you or a relationship like we have. You are the greatest example for Melanie and I. When the three of us get together, we can not be stopped . The Mitchell girls, a.k.a. " Sharon Chirrun" are a powerful group of women, with strong successful destinies.
I tell you all the time , but I am going to tell you once again , Thank You. Thank you for loving me, and being the BEST big sister I have ever known.
Awwwww man, that was sweet. It is important to cherish those we love and tell them.
You don' made me mess up my Obama Day Make-up... lol.. Luckily I always keep my HIP with me...
~The Oldest of Sharon's Chirrun hunnnnnie! lol
WOW! The Momma of Sharon's Chirrun is beaming with Pride. What a moving testament to your Big Sis. Keep up the Good Work & Continue to make Momma Proud!
The Mom of Sharon's Chirrun.
So I'm tearing up right now @ work. I've always wanted a big sister to look up to. I wasn't as fortunate as you, though. You all have a wonderful relationship that grows everyday and that's beautiful. Be thankful that God blessed you with such a gift like a sister. Although I love my brothers, I've always secretly prayed for a sister. Hopefully I will have a great relationship with my sister-in-laws! LOL
Love ya,
Tayler aka Coco
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Да уж Читаю и понимаю, что ничего не понимаю о чем речь:)
Спасибо понравилось !
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