Thursday, December 25, 2008

....Slow to come...Quick to leave...

......It's over. Christmas that is . I waited all year for my favorite holiday and its gone already. I must say this Christmas for me was great ......

On this special day I laughed , cried, and reflected. I spread holiday cheer through texts and calls .I spent time with my family . I ate some goooooodddd foodd. I had 2 slices of red velvet cake. I played the Boy II Men Christmas CD 5 times. I talked to some old friends and rekindled some relationships.I realized how much I love and miss certain people. But the most important thing was I spent it with the people I love the most .

In terms of gifts God blessed me with desires of my heart and a little extra . I got everything I wanted ...maybe except one thing, but , that's not all that important. Needless to say I had a very Merry Christmas .

I know some may not have had a good Christmas. Whether it was because they reflected about losing a loved one , had no where to go , received no gifts or just were not in the spirit this year . Whatever the situation Christmas is a time to celebrate the life of Jesus and the gift of love and life . I am so grateful to have had a wonderful holiday experience.

So as Christmas now runs to 2009 , I pray everyone had a holiday experience to remember. As the New Year peeks it's head , I hope we all remember to give love everyday and be grateful.

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