I guess its true when they say "home is where the heart is" , cause that is definitely where mine is . Don't get me wrong I love the college life , and most especially FAMU . I have just fallen out of love with being stressed everyday , and always under some kind of pressure. I'm just happy to be be able to relax, laugh and enjoy myself without any responsibility..and it feels good .Since some recent events in my life,I have started to read my bible more and find my comfort in the presence of GOD. Some people find comfort in other things to escape their reality , but my secret place lies in GOD and prayer.I have found myself walking with him alot more lately..cause when people fail you GOD will always be there. For the past few weeks , after traveling and studying , I have found myself ..BY myself . But I realized I was not by myself at all ...GOD was with me the whole time. When GOD has a point to prove or wants to show you something he gets you all alone so he can speak to you . Many may not understand..but because GOD is so awesome ..their understanding is not warranted .
When I'm surfing the Net I always see this quote "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference". I never really paid it any attention until I applied it in my life. There are just somethings you will never understand you just gotta look up to GOD and know that he will not put more on you than you can bare. You can't fix everything , things must be done in the right season. This year has been very interesting .I have experienced heartache, dissapointment , fear , favor , happiness...let's just say I have probably experienced every emotion possible the good and bad. This semester I have learned alot. I think one of the greatest things I have learned is not to limit myself to people,opportunities and relationships. You may surprise yourself of what can actually blossom .Sometimes with growth and maturity ,comes seperation from familiar things .Getting away from it all has made me refocus on what really matters . It has ignited this flame within me to step into my purpose and be who I was called to be . Its kinda crazy how things in your life never happen the way you plan it. How relationships you think will last forever end abruptly...
but somehow GOD places people in your life to pick up where others left off. I must say this ride called life has taken me for a spin. I am no longer that little girl who thinks everything has a happy ending. I am now a growing woman who believes in creating her own destiny . Home for me puts everything into perspective and boy do I have a BRAND NEW outlook.
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