When things go wrong .....as they sometimes will. Do you see it through or throw in the towel? There will be different seasons in your life. Drought, Famine, and Harvest. In harvest ,it seems like everything is going right. Opportunities are fluid. More good days than bad days. Goals and dreams are being checked off a list. You feel as if life is moving in the right direction . Then there is drought. Life has its good days and bad days , but it seems like things are steady. The most uncomfortable and miserable place to be in... is a famine. Everything seems fruitless and every door you turn to is closed. The debts are HIGH and the funds are LOW . Dreams feel deferred ---and no where near arms reach.There seems to be nothing tangible to give hope--but faith is truly the only thing you can hold on to.
The true measure of a man surfaces in the time of famine. One must decide to continue the battle or give up. Proactive vs. Reactive? In times of trouble one should stay proactive. Walking in stride one foot in front of the other---never skipping a beat. Don't quit and give up before the miracle happens. When things happen out of your control..you should discover what you CAN control. Being defeated and overcome is a state of mind. When your mind is made up there is no turning back . Being reactive means allowing emotions to get in the way.Its so easy to cry and lose sight of what its in front of you. Losing all hope . Being reactive is like getting lost and not attempting to find another route---to your destination.
The true measure of a man surfaces in the time of famine. One must decide to continue the battle or give up. Proactive vs. Reactive? In times of trouble one should stay proactive. Walking in stride one foot in front of the other---never skipping a beat. Don't quit and give up before the miracle happens. When things happen out of your control..you should discover what you CAN control. Being defeated and overcome is a state of mind. When your mind is made up there is no turning back . Being reactive means allowing emotions to get in the way.Its so easy to cry and lose sight of what its in front of you. Losing all hope . Being reactive is like getting lost and not attempting to find another route---to your destination.
The best way to be proactive is in a place of solitude in silence. Even when the world is spinning ..find a way to jump off . Drown out distractions and mute ambient sound. Look in the mirror and really admire your reflection. Pick up the pieces and find something else to do with your time. So far this summer --it seems like all the doors I wanted to walk through have been closed in my face. I felt like ..man ...GOD why are YOU closing all these doors. My resume is tight. My reputation speaks for itself. I have the talent, drive, and expertise--so why aren't people seeing my GREATNESS? The sadness of a broken nose from those closed doors began to take a toll on my spirit---as I watched people get opportunities that I dream of. There is nothing like a broken spirit.
Then I heard GOD tell me....how can you question the creator of your destiny? How can you doubt the person who makes the impossible POSSIBLE?How can the same GOD that blessed you before---- not bless you again? .At that moment I picked up my tears ..and kept moving. When you remain proactive it shows GOD that he can trust you--even in the storm. So imagine how he can reward you--with clear skies? So I----- Wiped my tears. Drew up another plan. Stayed focused...and allowed GOD to be GOD. Being proactive is hard . What you do in a famine will determine whether or not you reach another harvest. Being reactive is easy. You cant be a PRO without RE-petition.
omG i needed this post so badly
i have just graduated from college on may 1st and i am here back home in houston in this big city and cannot find a J O B...no where in sight. it seems as if everyone around me is set but im wondering when is my big break coming.
but i am holding on to God's hand and i have to admit that i do need to reach out more than i have. i just feel so far behind. i am learning to drive all over again. God blessed me with an 05 nissan maxima for graduation and i am so scared to drive it but i remove that fear right now in Jesus name.
thank you for posting...definitely needed this...you just dont know...this gave me a little peace.
Love this post, Mo!!
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