I am HUGE fan of Tumblr. Thanks to my younger sister I stumbled upon Black Fashion. This page inspires me everyday. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing young black people using style as a language. Expressing their individuality, personality and finesse. The fact that things from two decades ago is making a cameo appearance in modern times is awesome. Black Fashion showcases the style of people of every hue, size, shape and gender. Its quite inspiring. The road map to knowing who you are first starts with being co
mfortable with who you are.
I look at my social community and everyone is following their dreams. They are stepping out on faith and making things happen. So many people in my age range are becoming entrepreneurs , starting beauty and clothing lines, authoring books, becoming philosophers and scholars. The year two thousand and twelve is the year for African-Americans to empower themselves and be the great people they were born to be.
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