Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Allow me to reintroduce myself

Sooo....it has been a while?

I feel like I go through this every year.

I start the year off strong writing on my blog. I get motivated and devote all of my time to this. Then somewhere off into the distance I get distracted. I lose sight. I get bored. Life happens. I have writers block. I have every reason under the sun why I disconnect.

I have decided to redirect my focus of this blog.

Now that I live in NYC . There are so many great things around me....art, music and food.

I am going to start chronicling things I see in the city. My thoughts and experiences.

I hope that this will keep me attached to OneMoMinute.

I am determined to stay devoted to my craft and this might be it.

So lets start this journey AGAIN!

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